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Two Strategies in Copy Editing and Proofreading for PhD thesis

Welcome to our blog where we delve into the essential art of copy editing and proofreading for PhD thesis. Crafting a doctoral thesis is a monumental task, and ensuring its clarity and precision is paramount. In this post, we’ll explore two fundamental strategies that can significantly enhance the quality of your academic masterpiece. 

Copy editing and proofreading are crucial stages in the editorial process, ensuring written content is polished and error-free. Copy editors focus on improving style, clarity, and consistency, while proofreaders meticulously hunt for grammatical errors and typos. Together, they elevate the overall quality of written material, enhancing its impact and professionalism.

Copy editing involves polishing the language, refining the structure, and ensuring coherence throughout your work. Proofreading, on the other hand, is the meticulous process of catching those elusive typos and grammatical errors that may have slipped through the cracks. Whether you’re in the early stages of drafting or preparing for the final submission, these strategies will serve as your guiding light in perfecting your PhD thesis. Let’s embark on this journey of finding the strategies of copy editing and proofreading for PhD thesis.

Strategy Number 1: Semantic Consistency Mapping

Enhanced Conceptual Coherence: Professional copy editing and proofreading for PhD thesis, employing Semantic Consistency Mapping, ensures a heightened level of conceptual consistency.

Thorough Terminology Alignment: A skilled PhD thesis editor, utilizing this strategy, meticulously aligns the usage of key terms throughout the document, preventing any inadvertent variations in language.

Elevated Academic Integrity: By focusing on semantic consistency, the benefits of hiring PhD thesis editor for copy editing and proofreading extend beyond surface-level corrections. This strategy contributes significantly to maintaining the academic integrity of the thesis, a crucial aspect of Professional Copy Editing and Proofreading for PhD theses.

Improved Reader Comprehension: Ensuring that terminology is consistently used fosters a clearer understanding of the research, making the thesis more accessible to readers. This, in turn, aligns with the overarching goal of enhancing the overall quality and impact of the academic work.

Strategy Number 2: Algorithmic Ambiguity Detection

Professional Copy Editing and Proofreading for PhD theses, incorporating Algorithmic Ambiguity Detection, ensures a higher degree of precision in expression by identifying potential ambiguities that may compromise clarity.

A PhD thesis editor, employing this strategy, leverages cutting-edge algorithms to scrutinize the text, going beyond standard proofreading. This approach enables the identification of subtle instances where sentences may be open to multiple interpretations.

The benefits of hiring PhD thesis editor for copy editing and proofreading extend to providing specific suggestions for clarification. This ensures that the edited thesis not only corrects errors but actively addresses areas where ambiguity may arise, contributing to the overall improvement of the document.

By integrating algorithmic analysis into the proofreading process, this strategy contributes to elevating the overall writing quality of the thesis, aligning with the overarching goals of Professional Copy Editing and Proofreading for PhD theses.

How to choose services related to Professional Copy Editing and Proofreading for PhD thesis

1. Expertise in Academic Writing:

Professional editors specialized in PhD theses possess a deep understanding of academic writing standards, ensuring that your document adheres to the required style and tone.

2. Language Precision:

A skilled editor will meticulously review your thesis for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and language inconsistencies, enhancing the overall clarity and coherence of your work.

3. Structural Refinement:

PhD thesis editors can provide valuable insights into improving the overall structure of your document, ensuring that your arguments flow logically and your ideas are presented in a cohesive manner.

4. Thesis Formatting:

Editors are well-versed in the specific formatting guidelines of academic institutions, ensuring that your thesis meets the required standards for citations, references, and overall presentation.

5. Time and Stress Management:

Outsourcing the editing and proofreading tasks to professionals allows you to focus on the substantive aspects of your research, reducing the stress associated with the meticulous review process.

Final Thoughts

In wrapping up, perfecting your copy editing and proofreading for PhD thesis is more than fixing mistakes. The two strategies we explored – making sure your words match up (Semantic Consistency Mapping), adding helpful visuals (Cohesive Infographic Integration), and using smart algorithms to catch confusing parts (Algorithmic Ambiguity Detection) – bring extra value. 

Hiring a skilled editor for your PhD thesis who knows these methods goes beyond just correcting errors. It’s about making your ideas clear, your visuals helpful, and your writing top-notch. By using these strategies, you’re not just polishing; you’re making your thesis stand out. So, when diving into Copy Editing and Proofreading for your PhD thesis, remember these tricks. They turn a good thesis into an excellent one, making your hard work shine even brighter. 

SfASE (Society for Academic and Scientific Editors) is a platform that provides editorial assistance to PhD researchers and editors. They offer a range of services, including research guidance, data analysis, and statistical consulting, to help PhD researchers in various subject domains. SfASE plays a crucial role in supporting both PhD researchers and editors. They provide a platform for professional editors to collaborate with peers and enhance their editing skills. 

Editors can discover intriguing freelance editing possibilities by joining SfASE. SfASE has a team of experienced editors who provide developmental editing services to PhD researchers. They also offer proofreading and copyediting services to ensure that the research papers are free of errors and are of high quality. For more information, please visit their website at


1. How do I find a Copy Editing and Proofreading service for PhD thesis? 

Seek a Copy Editing and Proofreading service for your PhD thesis through online platforms or recommendations.

2. Why should you hire a Copy Editor for your PhD thesis?

Hiring a Copy Editor ensures clarity, coherence, and polished language in your PhD thesis.

3. What is the difference between copy editing and proofreading?

Copy editing focuses on language refinement and structure, while proofreading targets errors and typos.

4. what are the qualities of a good Proofreader?

Good proofreaders possess attention to detail, excellent language skills, and a keen eye for grammatical accuracy.

Aspects of Developmental Editing in PhD Thesis and Their Usage

Aspects of Developmental Editing in PhD Thesis and Their Usage

A PhD thesis is a huge task, so getting it right is crucial. You also need to make sure that your work is extremely organised and clear. That’s where developmental editing in PhD thesis comes in. In this blog, we’re going to talk about the different parts of developmental editing for PhD theses and how it can make your academic research way better. We’ll look at things like fixing language, sorting out the structure, Developmental Editing help for PhD thesis, and making sure everything makes sense. 

Developmental Editing in a PhD thesis isn’t just about making your thesis sound smart; it’s about making sure your ideas come across clearly. We’ll also talk about why getting help from a PhD thesis editor for developmental editing is a great idea, and the benefits of hiring PhD thesis editors for developmental editing. Stick around as we go through the ins and outs of developmental editing, breaking it down so it’s easy to understand why it’s so important for PhD theses.

Key Aspects

1. Clarity and Coherence:

Developmental editing focuses on ensuring that the content of a PhD thesis is presented in a clear and coherent manner. This involves refining language to enhance readability and understanding.

2. Structural Refinement:

Examining the overall structure of the thesis is a key aspect. Editors work to organize information logically, ensuring that the flow of ideas is smooth and that each section contributes effectively to the overall argument.

3. Conceptual Development:

Editors play a crucial role in refining the development of ideas and concepts within the thesis. They work closely with the author to ensure that the research questions are addressed cohesively and that the thesis makes a strong, well-supported argument.

4. Consistency in Style and Tone:

Developmental editing maintains a consistent style and tone throughout the thesis. This ensures that the document reflects a professional and polished presentation, aligning with academic standards.

5. Audience Engagement:

Editors consider the intended audience and work to enhance engagement. This involves refining language, examples, and explanations to ensure that the thesis is accessible and compelling for the target readership.

6. Integration of Feedback:

Collaborative in nature, developmental editing involves incorporating feedback from both the editor and, when applicable, academic advisors. This iterative process helps refine the thesis based on constructive input.

7. Clarity of Argumentation:

Ensuring the thesis’s argument is robust and well-articulated is a primary focus. Developmental editing helps authors strengthen their argumentation by refining supporting evidence and aligning it with the overall narrative.

Developmental Editing help for PhD thesis

1. Enhancing Communication: 

Developmental editing, by focusing on clarity and coherence, enhances the communication of complex ideas. This is particularly important in academic writing, where precision and clarity are paramount. 

2. Improving Understanding:

Structural refinement ensures that the thesis is well-organized, making it easier for readers to navigate and understand the research. This contributes to a more enjoyable and effective reading experience. One of the primary uses of structural refinement is to create a logical flow within the thesis. 

3. Strengthening Academic Contribution:

Conceptual development, by refining the presentation of ideas, strengthens the academic contribution of the thesis. This is essential for making a meaningful impact within the scholarly community. Developmental editing aids in the conceptual development of ideas, contributing to the overall strength of the research. 

4. Establishing Professionalism:

Consistency in style and tone establishes a professional presentation, reflecting positively on the author and the credibility of the research. It ensures that the thesis adheres to academic conventions while maintaining the author’s unique voice. 

5. Broadening Readership:

Audience engagement broadens the readership of the thesis. By tailoring the language and presentation to the intended audience, developmental editing makes the research more accessible to a diverse range of readers. The focus on audience engagement is crucial for reaching a wider readership. 

6. Continuous Improvement:

Integration of feedback ensures that the thesis undergoes continuous improvement. This iterative process allows for the refinement of ideas, addressing any concerns or suggestions raised by both the editor and academic advisors. The integration of feedback is a key aspect of developmental editing. 

7. Persuasive Argumentation:

Clarity of argumentation contributes to the persuasiveness of the thesis. By refining the supporting evidence and ensuring a clear narrative, developmental editing strengthens the central argument, making it more compelling to the reader. 

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, developmental editing in a PhD thesis is super important. It makes your research clear, well-organized, and strong. The way editors fix language, structure, and ideas helps a lot. It’s like giving your thesis a professional makeover. Consistency in style and engaging the audience make your work more appealing to a wider group of readers. Getting feedback and making improvements is like a continuous upgrade, which is one of the benefits of hiring PhD thesis editors for developmental editing. 

Hiring a PhD thesis editor for developmental editing help for PhD thesis isn’t just about fixing words; it’s about making your main point more convincing. So, the whole process not only meets academic standards but also turns your thesis into a powerful contribution to your field. It’s a smart move that pays off in making your research stand out and have a bigger impact.

SfASE (Society for Academic and Scientific Editors) plays a crucial role in supporting both PhD researchers and editors. Here’s how:

Editorial Assistance: SfASE provides a platform for professional editors to collaborate with peers and enhance their editing skills. By joining SfASE, editors gain access to exciting freelance editing opportunities.

Quality Manuscript Editing: For PhD researchers, SfASE offers manuscript editing services. Skilled editors ensure that research papers are polished, adhere to academic standards, and communicate effectively. This service helps researchers present their work more effectively.

Smooth Transition to Publication: SfASE’s editors assist authors in improving language, expression, and clarity. This ensures a seamless journey from research to publication, benefiting both researchers and the scientific community.


1. How do I find a Developmental Editing service for PhD thesis? 

a. Start by seeking recommendations from colleagues, professors, or academic networks.

b. Explore online platforms specializing in academic editing, and read reviews from previous clients.

2. Why should you hire a thesis editor? 

a. Quality Assurance: Editors ensure that your thesis meets high academic standards in terms of language, structure, and coherence.

b. Clarity Improvement: They enhance the clarity of your ideas, making your research more accessible to readers.

3. What differentiates developmental editing from structural editing?

a. Structural Editing: This focuses on the organization and structure of the entire document. It addresses issues like flow, coherence, and the logical arrangement of ideas within paragraphs and chapters.

b. Developmental Editing: While similar to structural editing, developmental editing goes deeper into refining the content itself. It concentrates on the clarity of ideas, the strength of arguments, and the overall conceptual development of the thesis.

4. What are the qualities of a good PhD thesis editor?

a. Subject Matter Expertise: A good editor should have knowledge in your field to understand and enhance the specific nuances of your research.

b. Experience: Look for an editor with a proven track record in editing PhD theses, demonstrating their familiarity with academic writing standards.

Common Problems of PhD thesis Editing in India and Their Solutions

Editing a PhD thesis involves refining the document for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic standards. This process includes correcting grammar and punctuation, ensuring accurate citations, and maintaining a consistent writing style. A skilled editor plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall quality and impact of the research. Editing a PhD thesis in India can sometimes be tricky. It’s a big step in making sure your research is clear and meets all the rules. Lots of people look for help with this, and that’s where PhD thesis editing help comes in. In this blog, we’ll talk about PhD thesis editing in India, benefits of hiring PhD thesis editor and we’ll give you some easy solutions. We’ll also explain why it’s a good idea to hire someone experienced to help edit your thesis. This can really make your work better. 

Problems while Getting PhD Thesis Editing Help

Problem 1: Citation Accuracy

The Problem

Plagiarism Risk: Incorrect citations can inadvertently lead to plagiarism, where a researcher is wrongly attributed for an idea or concept. This can have severe consequences on the academic integrity of the work.

Confusion for Readers: Inaccurate citations can confuse readers, making it difficult for them to trace back the original sources. This impacts the credibility and reliability of the research.

Legal Implications: In some cases, incorrect citations can lead to legal issues, especially if copyrighted material is used without proper attribution. This can result in legal penalties and damage the researcher’s reputation.

Detriment to PhD Researchers:

For PhD researchers, inaccurate citations can hinder the recognition of their original contributions, causing frustration and potentially jeopardizing their academic progress. It undermines the trustworthiness of the research and may even lead to rejection by peer reviewers or examiners.

Overcoming the Problem:

Thorough Verification: Double-check all citations against the original sources to ensure accuracy. Use reliable citation management tools to assist in this process.

Clear Style Guide: Follow a specific citation style guide (e.g., APA, MLA) consistently throughout the thesis. This aids in preserving precision and regularity.

Use Plagiarism Checkers: Utilize plagiarism detection software to ensure all sources are properly attributed and to identify any potential issues.

Problem 2: Language Nuances and Dialects

The Problem

When English isn’t a researcher’s native language, grasping its nuances and subtleties can be challenging, potentially leading to unclear or confusing expressions. This holds true across various disciplines, including both STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) and non-STEM fields, where precise communication is crucial for conveying complex ideas. It’s essential to address these language barriers effectively during the editing process to ensure that the research is accessible and impactful for a wide-ranging audience.

Detriment to PhD Researchers:

For PhD researchers, language nuances and dialectical variations can hinder effective communication of their research findings. It may lead to misinterpretations or misrepresentations of the work, potentially undermining its impact.

Overcoming the Problem:

Use clear, simple language and avoid complex sentence structures. This ensures that the thesis is accessible and easily understood by a wide audience. Have native English speakers or language experts review the thesis for clarity and coherence. Attend language workshops or utilize resources that focus on academic writing in English. These can provide valuable tips and techniques. Maintain uniform language usage throughout the thesis, avoiding the incorporation of regional dialects or slang.

Problem 3: Regional Academic Conventions

The Problem

Formatting Variations: Different universities may have specific requirements for margins, fonts, and page layouts. Adhering to these variations can be demanding, especially for researchers from different regions.

Citation Styles: Certain institutions may prefer specific citation styles, which may differ from the widely accepted ones. Adapting to these variations can be time-consuming and confusing.

Detriment to PhD Researchers:

For PhD researchers, navigating these regional conventions can be time-consuming and potentially lead to inconsistencies in the thesis. Failure to adhere to these preferences may result in rejections or delays in the review process.

Overcoming the Problem:

Thoroughly review and follow the specific formatting and style guidelines provided by the university or institution. Seek advice from academic advisors who are familiar with the specific conventions of the institution. They can provide valuable insights and clarifications. Utilize templates or samples provided by the institution, if available. These resources can serve as a practical reference for adhering to regional conventions. Pay meticulous attention to detail when proofreading and editing the thesis to ensure that it complies with both regional and broader academic standards.

Problem 4: Structural Coherence

The Problem

Sometimes, different parts of the thesis may not flow smoothly into one another, leading to a disjointed reading experience. Inadequate transitions between chapters or sections can leave readers puzzled about the connections between ideas. Poor structural coherence may lead to unnecessary repetition of information, which can be tiresome for readers and diminish the overall quality of the thesis.

Detriment to PhD Researchers:

A lack of structural coherence can impede the reader’s comprehension of the research. It may also lead to a less favorable evaluation by reviewers or examiners, potentially delaying the completion of the PhD.

Overcoming the Problem:

Create an Outline: Before writing, sketch out a clear outline of the thesis, ensuring that each section logically follows the previous one.

Use Clear Headings: Clearly label each section and chapter to guide the reader through the thesis.

Transitional Phrases: Utilize words and phrases that indicate transitions between ideas, such as “however,” “furthermore,” and “in contrast.”

Seek Feedback: Have peers or advisors review the thesis to identify any areas where structural coherence may be lacking.

Problem 5: Grammar and Punctuation

The Problem

Misplaced Commas: Incorrect placement of commas can alter the meaning of a sentence, leading to confusion for the reader.

Mismatched subjects and verbs can make sentences grammatically incorrect and difficult to understand.

Sentence Fragments and Run-Ons: Incomplete sentences or overly long sentences without proper punctuation hinder readability.

Detriment to PhD Researchers:

Grammatical and punctuation errors diminish the credibility and professionalism of a thesis. They can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the research, negatively affecting the overall evaluation.

Overcoming the Problem:

Proofreading with Focus: Carefully review the thesis, paying special attention to grammar and punctuation. Read slowly and deliberately to catch errors.

Utilize grammar and spell-checking tools available in word processing software to identify and correct mistakes.

Seek Peer Review: Have peers or advisors with strong language skills review the thesis for grammar and punctuation errors.

Familiarize yourself with common grammar rules and punctuation conventions. Online resources and grammar guides can be helpful.


Getting PhD thesis editing help in India is a big task. Dealing with language, regional styles, citations, and making sure everything makes sense can be tough. But, getting help with PhD thesis editing is a smart move. When you hire an expert, they make sure everything looks good, from the way you write to how you credit other people’s work. This makes your research strong and easy to understand which is one of the most significant benefits of hiring PhD thesis editor. So, in the end, getting through these common problems in PhD thesis editing in India is a big step towards making your research stand out in the academic world.

Society for Scientific and Academic Editing (SfASE) is a platform that provides professional editing services to researchers, academicians, and students. They offer manuscript editing, proofreading, and formatting services to help authors improve the quality of their research papers. SfASE also provides a platform for writers to meet editors who can help them enhance their research writing skills. By connecting with editors, writers can learn about the latest trends in research writing and publishing, which can help them stay up-to-date with the latest developments in their field.It can also be a huge benefits of hiring PhD thesis editor. SfASE’s PhD thesis editing in India can help writers improve the quality of their research papers and increase their chances of getting published in top-tier journals.


1. How do I find a PhD thesis editor?

To find a PhD thesis editor, you can search online for professional editing services or ask for recommendations from your academic network.

2. Why should you hire a thesis editor?

Hiring a thesis editor ensures your research is polished, free from errors, and meets academic standards, boosting its overall quality and credibility.

3. How long does it take to edit a PhD dissertation?

The time it takes to edit a PhD dissertation varies, but it typically ranges from several weeks to a few months, depending on the length and complexity of the document.

4. what are the qualities of a good PhD thesis editor?

A good PhD thesis editor possesses strong language skills, attention to detail, familiarity with academic writing conventions, subject expertise, and the ability to provide constructive feedback.

Is Quantitative Research more Reliable than Qualitative Research? Mystery Resolved!

Data serves as a fuel powering (and controlling) major contributing sectors of the economy including business, education, research, medicine, etc. The first thought that pops up in a research scholar’s mind on seeing data, is to find patterns, connections, and relationships between and within numbers.

Broadly speaking, in research, data is considered to be of two types; Quantitative data and Qualitative data. Scholars can either use quantitative data/ qualitative data or both of them for the study purpose. But the choice is easier said than done.

Simply put, Quantitative research is used to validate the hypothesis, quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and generalize results from a larger sample population. Whereas, qualitative research to formulate the hypothesis, provides insights into the problem or helps to develop ideas/hypotheses.

Although quantitative and qualitative research differ radically, their objectives overlap in numerous ways. This makes it confusing for scholars to judge when to use a qualitative approach and when to use a quantitative approach for research purposes.

Tip: A quantitative research is apt to answer questions like ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and on the other hand, qualitative research answers questions like ‘why’ and ‘how’.

For example, consider the question- How does the image of the ideal man influence the male population between the ages 23 and 38? This question, cannot be answered using one among qualitative or quantitative research. Instead, it makes use of both the methods. Firstly, one needs to know ‘what’ the image of the ideal man is. Next, find out ‘how’ this influences a particular segment of the male population.

To successfully conduct quantitative research:

  • Identify the research problem.
  • Prepare the research questions.
  • Review existing literature.
  • Develop a research plan.

Steps included in qualitative research are

  • Identifying a research problem/stating the problem.
  • Reviewing the literature.
  • Specifying a purpose and research questions.
  • Collection of data.
  • Analyzing the data.
  • Determining the quality of data

Now another question that arises is which approach is more reliable than the other?

This is a long-standing argument in research. It is important to understand that quantitative and qualitative research methods do not work against each other. Each research method has its own specific objectives.

Rule of thumb: Qualitative research methods are used to explore ideas, designs, or processes that do not require a concrete hypothesis. Qualitative methods are particularly useful for serendipitous discovery and often provide more in-depth insights.

At times, some studies make use of both the research methods which stand to complement each other. The advantage of a mixed methodology is, you get both projectable or predictive data and explanatory or contextual insights. Each research method has its own strengths and weaknesses. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research is typically best for most of the studies. By using both methods one can achieve a deeper level of insight through the exploratory nature of research in addition to the statistical evidence to support decisions.

To conclude, none of the methods can be stated as ‘more reliable than the other’. Quantitative research and qualitative research have their own set of advantages and disadvantages. Depending on the research problem, research objective, and research questions, one can use the suitable type of data.   

Are you looking for second set of eyes for your document?

The scholar document that you just wrote is brilliant. It’s the first thing that all of you scholars out there think. But are you sure that you are 100% right? Are you certain you have communicated all that you wanted to? Or you are bit blinded by your own intelligence? There are times when you have blinders on and when you reread your document you miss out on some important things, these things can be as small as grammatical errors or as complex as the flow of information. Second set of eyes looking over your document is always valuable.

Editors can catch mistakes, double check source and information, proofread, rephrase, and simplify the chapters that you have drafted. There might be sentence some parts that you are not happy with the, but you are not sure how to effectively make changes and fix things that are incorrect. This is the time that you require a professional editor to review your work and get some genuine feedback.

Usually the first draft of your work is the rough sketch. It is the outline that can help you to get the refined article. Presenting the first draft to the editor is a bad idea, it needs at least two more revisions. If you opt for self-editing it is quite possible that your brain automatically fills the gaps as your brain clearly understand what you were trying to say. The best option is to present the document to the editor.

A professional editor will help you catch errors that are not so obvious to others. They also won’t shy away from critiquing your work. Handing over the proofreading aspect will not only save your precious time but also save your energy. The editor will also keep in mind the quality of writing and flow of content. It will be analysed sentence by sentence and will fix the structure of the sentence in terms of voice, tone, style and format if necessary.

The editor is also responsible to check all the citation and verify what was quoted and where it was quoted. They also verify the consistence which gives logic to your writing. There are some elements that are missing in your document which goes unnoticed by you but not by the editor. A good editor will guide you till the end and will make sure that your writing will make a difference.

So, it’s time to develop your documents and get them edited by best professional in your field who are versatile and will help you to perfect your writing.

Handy tools for Citation and Referencing

Citation and referencing are crucial parts of your dissertation. If you do the citation or referencing incorrectly, it can even lead to your dissertation getting rejected. But there is no need for you to worry! Read on to know the handy tools for citation and referencing.

BibMe provides an easy method of building a works cited page and guess what it is absolutely free. You just need paying for a pro account for saving your bibliographies. This fully automatic bibliography makers auto-fills and extremely easy to use! You simply need searching for a film, website, article or book or enter the information yourself. Now you can continue through adding it to your bibliography and cite to build your works. You can download your bibliography in Chicago, APA and MLA format.

Citation Machine
It helps professional researchers and research scholars for ideally crediting information that they utilize. The key goal of this machine is making it extremely easy for researchers for citing their information sources. But just like BibMe, if you wish to save your bibliographies, you will require paying for a pro account.

Cite This For Me
Cite This For Me permits research scholars for automatically creating website citations in Harvard, Chicago, MLA or APA referencing styles with the simple click of their mouse. You simply require browsing to the page you want to cite and click the button for generating the right formatted citation. You can then easily copy and paste the citation into your assignment or you can also ensure adding it to your online bibliography to it safe for later use. The citation program is also available with a Google Chrome extension.

Published in Switzerland, it is a reference manager and task planning program for Windows. The free version of this program is limited to approximately 100 references for each project. This is the reason it is perfect for research scholars. Moreover, it perfectly integrates with Word and Chrome.

Using this program, you can effectively cite your work in Chicago, MLA or APA style without leaving your homepage. You can then download your bibliography or create an account and save it for using it at a later date. Your bibliography will be kept safety till you keep visiting the website. But if you remain inactive for four days at length, your citations may get deleted.

Use any of the aforementioned handy tools and ensure great citation and referencing!

Freelancing has a long way to go!

As compared to most other professions, freelancing does not receive the same amount of individual interest or passion. Even in this advanced and technology-savvy world, freelancing is considered to be the last resort of sorts for professionals. Everyone wants to be an engineer or a doctor, but no one dreams to be a freelancer. The term itself does not evoke the same grandeur as some other professions. However, things have been changing with the turn of the millennium. Several people have appreciated the idea of freelancing, which is not always defined as working from the comfort of your home, as a career. Freelancing, if there ever was an apt definition for it, can be explained as working on your own terms and at your own time. Freelancing provides freedom from the daily 9-to-5 routine.

To facilitate this process, the Society for Asian Science Editors (SfASE) has been at the forefront for their Asian editorial brethren. SfASE is providing a common platform for Asian editors to come together and provide/receive assistance. There are several advantages for scholars using the SfASE platform. You have the freedom to choose your editor. The work is always delivered within the deadlines. Documents are assured with zero errors. There will be comprehensive and regular interaction with the clients regarding the works in progress.

Even editors can exploit the SfASE platform to their advantage. This platform provides assistance to editors in finding work along with providing training and growth opportunities. Other editors and peers using this platform can use it for networking throughout the world. The platform instills professionalism and assists in acquiring new skills concerning editing and its future.

The SfASE Web site provides an easy-to-use and advanced platform for all your editorial needs, be it for a scholar or an editor. You can register for an account and avail the comprehensive services at the click of a few buttons. An in-depth FAQ section answers questions that have frequently been asked. You can visit us at www. or we can be contacted at and

The Benefits of Mentoring

The most important link between a mentor and a mentee is trust. A mentor is anyone who can be trusted to provide experienced and detailed advice to the mentee. In short, a mentor is any person who has the experience and provides guidance and assistance to a less-experienced person. Mentoring is the partnership and trust that exists between two people, the mentor and the mentee. There are several direct and indirect benefits of mentoring. We will try and enumerate a few of the benefits below:

The mentor’s experience is shared with the mentee
It improves the comprehension and relationship skills of the mentor
The instructor’s sense of self-worth is enhanced through sharing of knowledge
The guide might gain a deeper understanding of the subject and the organization in the process
The mentor’s career might get bolstered
It might even provide an overall satisfaction to the mentor
The mentee’s self-confidence considerably improves
The mentee might get a better grip on his/her career
It improves the mentee’s ability to speak up and also to be heard during any information exchange process
It makes the mentee more acceptable to suggestions
It might provide the mentee with a leadership role skillset
If the mentee is guided in a positive environment, it sparks his/her want to become a mentor in the future
The mentor acts as a future reference/contact

In fact, it is understood that a mentoring program is helpful not only for the mentor and mentee but also for the department and organization at large. The mentoring process has an inherent ability to facilitate coalitions within departments and better inter- and intra-departmental communication. Overall, the mentoring process can help in a quicker induction of newer staff members. It also appeals to the individual to improve performances in a collaborative setting. Furthermore, it encourages the individual to develop his/her commitment to the organization.

All in all, the mentoring process can provide a setting to improve job satisfaction considerably in the team as a whole, which can reduce the attrition rate in organizations.

Why your documents need proofreading?

To produce high-quality scholarly and academic documents, effective proofreading is of immense importance. If done cautiously, thoroughly and correctly, proofreading can ensure proper communication with the intended reader. Errors and mistakes result in imperfection and convey negligence.

Students should understand the need of proofreading their academic documents for multiple reasons:

Firstly, a proofreader brings a fresh and ideally objective perspective to a student’s writing. A trained proofreader will be able to focus on exactly what the students want to convey in his text and catch ambiguities and errors. If the proofreader is an expert in English language and a specialist in the student’s subject area, he or she will possess the skills to correct and polish grammar, spelling and punctuation and determine if the references made by the students are accurate, thorough and consistent. He will also ensure that the academic writings meet the high standards expected in the particular discipline and field.

Secondly, proofreading of academic documents ensures that it gets the precise attention of the proofreader so that every detail is examined and the student’s work communicates with precision and sophistication. It is imperative for a student to benefit from a successful proofreader with appropriate linguistic and academic skills to ensure that the academic writings represent both the student as well as his work as professionally and efficiently as possible.

Thirdly, as it is well known that academia is difficult. The language used in academia usually doesn’t always work exactly as it does in the rest of the world. It is often seen that academics love to take words and make them mean different things in different contexts. So it is essential for students to get their work improved by a subject specialist, by someone who has thorough knowledge in the relevant field and is an expert in it.

Finally, examiners often judge academic papers precisely on the students’ ability to use difficult and obscure language, because one of the main purposes of most student assessments is to give the students the opportunity to demonstrate that they understand their subject and have thorough subject knowledge. Students are required to show that they know how to do proper references, write formally and use technical language correctly.

So it is imperative that the students produce work that is improved so that it demonstrates their ability to use vocabulary correctly and fluently.