Click at sign up to register yourself as an editor.
up the details to create your user account with us.
your user account is created, you will be able to see your dashboard as an editor.
You can click on the desired category
to review the work process and begin your journey as an editor with SfASE. You will also get
options to edit your profile, message the scholar, view your public profile and more.
Join SfASE as a scholar to search the most suitable editor for your requirement.
If you are a scholar, you can register yourself at SfASE by following the simple steps.
By filling the required details, you can sign up as a scholar with us.
will be directed to your dashboard as soon as you finish creating the account.
By clicking at the assign job to editor, you can
fill the project related details and start the process.
As a scholar, you will have options
for editing your profile, message the editor, submit feedback to editor, list of projects
assigned by you and project related details.